Every fourth person in German-speaking regions has a tattoo. Nowadays, tattoos are no longer a speciality, they are already part of everyday life for many people. However, the history and cultural background of tattoos are less familiar in our society. In addition, the older generations in particular are prejudiced about this topic, which is why tattoos are still a taboo subject in children’s education. Tattoos are also rarely discussed in children’s books and other media for children. A campaign called ‘What are these tattoos?’ is being launched to educate primary school children about tattoos and what tattoos are. An animated film is being produced to provide an introduction to the world of tattoos and to give them an overview. In addition, a character is introduced who takes the children on a journey through a one-pager website where they can delve deeper into individual subject areas. There are also interactive printable tasks where children can test their knowledge and become tattoo designers themselves. The aim is to teach children that tattoos can have deeper meanings and be a lifelong companion.